
Getting your home ready for back-to-school

Whether you can believe it or not, Calgary summer is nearing the end! With the leaves changing colour and the crisp morning, September is right around the corner. And what else to come with September but the start of school! Back-to-school shopping is always a highlight, whether your family needs shoes, clothes, school supplies or a brand-new backpack. However, this can all be done in a productive trip to the nearest shopping centre. If you’re looking to really get ahead of the September rush this year, we suggest getting your home ready for back-to-school.

Not only is your home a place for your family to congregate, eat and sleep but it is the epicenter of everything in the year to come: school, work and extracurriculars; Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas; birthdays, sleepovers and coffee dates. We know that September is the beginning of it all with the back-to-school madness, so here’s how we suggest you get prepared:

Make a Costco Run

Whether you are shopping for food, preparing dinner, cooking breakfast or researching recipes – eating time-consuming! While you have a little time left, plan out your meals for the first few weeks of September. Hit Costco, Superstore, No Frills, whatever store you like to bulk up. Make large meals so that leftovers can be frozen or taken for lunches. Stock up on snacks so that you’re covered when you’re running late. Food preparation now means free time later.

Be a Super Scheduler

Whether you are a family of one or seven, a schedule is a key to keeping your life in order. Business meetings, dinner dates, volunteer shifts, evenings out – they all somehow end up happening at the same time, so schedule in those commitments now. This way Jimmy gets to soccer on time, Kate gets to dance, and you get your coffee. You get the point – win, win, win.

Cleanse Your Home


This may seem like common sense, but we challenge you to not only clean your house but to cleanse it. Don’t just organize your belongings and wipe the shelves. Go through old books and donate what you don’t need; try on clothes to see what fits and what needs to be replaced; most importantly, help organize your kids’ rooms. Now we are not saying do this for them. This can be a fun activity to do together and remind you both of what they have and what they still need for the new year.

Work at Home

The last task is creating a home workstation. Whether for yourself or for your child, this area is key to maintaining your workload, minimizing stress levels and working efficiently throughout the year. Make it neat and make it nice so that you can create sustainable work habits and enjoy working there.


Most people say the new year starts January 1. Well, we’re not most people. September feels like the start of a new era, with everything new and exciting happening. Following some of these tips will guarantee you a smoother transition from summer to September, the Genesis way.