
Safety tips for Thanksgiving weekend

With Thanksgiving this weekend, there is an increase of safety risks in the home: cooking hazards in the kitchen, extra people in the home, additional decor and more. It’s important for you to have a handle on all the possible safety issues that can arise in your home this weekend, so here’s some things to be aware of heading into the weekend.

  • Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home
  • Never leave anything cooking unattended
  • Check for worn or cracked electrical cords on appliances
  • Small appliances not being used are left unplugged
  • Refrain from overloading your electrical outlets
  • Don’t let your car idle in the garage while you are loading or unloading items
  • Make sure the driveway and walkway are clear
  • Baby-proof your home if you’re expecting little ones and keep dangerous items out of reach
  • Check your ingredients for best-before dates (hundreds of food poisoning calls are reported every Thanksgiving)
  • Avoid wearing loose clothing or dangling items when cooking or being around the kitchen when cooking is taking place
  • If you’re heading out of town, don’t announce your plans on social media
  • Make your home look occupied if you’ll be away
  • If you’ll be driving, always check road reports and follow the rules of the road
  • Take your time with cooking, preparation and decoration

The holidays are a recipe for disaster. “Emergencies happen when you’re rushing around cooking for a large group of people, you’re distracted, and there’s a lot of stress.” [NY Daily News]

We hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving long weekend!