
What to know before building a deck in Calgary or Airdrie

Spring is here and, before you know it, everyone will be spending their evenings and weekends on their decks. If you don’t have one, don’t worry – it’s never too late to build one! If you choose to build a deck this summer or add on to an existing one, both Calgary and Airdrie have certain bylaws when it comes to what you can build and where. We’re here to help make that information easily accessible to you.

Your City of Airdrie bylaws:

  • Anything higher than two feet off the ground requires a permit before you can start working.
  • If you’re looking to add a roof, you’re also going to need a permit. Tip: open-air pergolas don’t count as a roof, so no permit necessary.
  • Once the deck is complete, you need to get an inspection. Remember that the space under the deck, regardless of how low it is, needs to be accessible for the inspection. In Airdrie, these inspections cost $8.50 per $1,000 spent.

Calgary bylaws are similar to Airdrie’s, however, it does have a few different steps and places you need to visit before starting construction. If you would like to talk to someone about the process, chat with a city representative online here.     

Your City of Calgary bylaws:

  • If you are building a roof for your deck that will be attached to your house, you will need to visit the home additions page and fill out the proper forms.
  • If your deck has a roof but isn’t attached to your home, visit the garage, shed, greenhouse and carport page for proper documents.
  • More often than not, your deck will only require building safety approval. However, on the off chance that you don’t meet land bylaw specifications, you’ll also need to get a development permit.

Use the following links to apply for a building permit:

  • Use the checklists provided to find the appropriate application and drawing requirements for your project.
  • Prepare your drawings of the deck.
  • Apply online.
  • When it’s finished, book your inspection.

Generally, inspections will cost $210.08 after applicable taxes for a new deck, balcony or renovation building permit in Calgary. Before you start to build, keep in mind that you never know where underground cables are located. If you need to dig out an area, make sure to call 1-800-242-3447 or visit Alberta One Call for help locating wires and pipes.

With summer just around the corner, there is no time like the present to start the new deck building process. You won’t want to be working on it when you should be basking in the sun, barbecuing hamburgers and enjoying the fresh summer air when the weather goes from spring showers to gorgeous summer days, so start working now!