Getting Your Home Ready for Fall
With this nice blast of weather it may not feel like it, but fall is coming. Monday kicks off the autumn season, and this upcoming weekend is the perfect time to do some small household checks that will get your home ready for the next season.
Flip your mattress/clean your bed: flipping your mattress helps distribute the wear and will prolongs its lifecycle, so a change of season is a great time to give it a flip. You may also want to give your bed a deep clean and change your linens (if you have an extra set).
Check your windows: when you check your windows you want to be looking for cracks, and check stripping for damage. You’ll want to fix any areas where water or air can leak through, it will only cost you more money once the colder months hit.
Check your doors: you’ll be looking for similar issues on your exterior doors as your windows, areas where there are cracks or places where air and water can seep through.
Clean the gutters: take out the ladder and clean your gutters of dirt and debris, as falling leaves and snow will build up and you want to be ready for coming seasons.
Clean and store patio furniture: we know it’s sad, but you’ll want to give your patio furniture a good cleaning before you stow it away for the fall and winter.
Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans: it doesn’t take long for dust to pile up on ceiling fans when they aren’t in use during the colder months, so start the season off clean with dust-free fans. While you’re cleaning the ceiling fans in your home, it’s a great opportunity to give your light fixtures a good dusting too. Dust in the home just makes for nasty allergens that can be a real problem come cold and flu season.
Do you have some more fall home maintenance tips we’ve missed? Send them to us on Twitter.